Cotton candy cake

And eating in sections, periodically breaking a piece of ganache to enjoy mixed with ice cream. White chocolate topping matched with lightly boozy ice cream is a delicious combo that is different from any other flavor of Ben & Jerry, and that should be applauded because of how many flavors they have approached over the years.

The upper line of Ben & Jerry is a Bona Fide winner in my book, and Whiskey Biz is one of the most unique and satisfactory.

Sometimes things are so bad that it is correct, and that very well can be the case here. Everything from Frito-Lay, just had an orgy and then this happened: three new limited edition chips that are all the shadows of the fries of lay people and other fritter-lay classics. Presenting:

Cotton candy cake

Cheelets flavored cheese to layholders

Loic tabs flavored to Rancho de Doritos Cool

FUNYUNS onion onion flavored to Lay's chips

Another way to look at it? Lay's found a great recycling program for all condiments at the bottom of the bag.

This review is part of a series. Mashup fritó-lay today is:

Cheelets flavored cheese to layholders

Cheelets cheese flavored to Laico

Cheelets flavored chips of the law are quite explanatory. They take the regular, "soft" chips and cover them in the cheeton powder. Well, well, I guess technically you do not know that they used the same chaeton seasoning, but why not?

but probably is wondering: why would they do it? If reais

wanted to try cheesets, will not you just get cheetos? Let's immersive deeper and see if there is something to him.

Cheelets cheese flavored to Laico

The chips of Cheetos Lay certainly look at the part. They are the same radioactive orange that the Cheetos are, and they will leave everything that touches that same color as well.

Your sofa, your dog, your ding dong ... you need it.

Cheelets cheese flavored to Laico

As soon as I ate one, I tried Cheetos. Not only "cheese powder", is Cheetos. If someone tries to convince him otherwise, you tell them: "Listen, I had genres for breakfast ... this is Cheetos."

But the difference here is in the searched. You start trying that iconic grease of Lay that covers the chips of it. You also start to try that potato base; It is important to remember that the Cheetos are made with corn, do not potatoes, and it does give something a little different.

In general, I really enjoy these. If you are more partial for french fries that cheese curls