Backend as a Service - BaaS and Platform as a Service - PaaS

Dear Developer,

Greetings from ShepHertz.

It provides me immense pleasure to announce the official launch of our much awaited product - App42 PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) and to introduce to the industry a new innovation - BPaaS (Backend Platform-as-a-Service). With this release ShepHertz has taken a big step towards its vision of providing a complete ecosystem to the developer community.

App42 PaaS is a Public Cloud Platform-as-a-Service with support for multiple languages and platforms. This will enable you to focus on your development rather than putting your time on infrastructure hassles.


Key Benefits:
  • A Polyglot platform that supports multiple languages and frameworks like Ruby, Java, PHP, Scala, JRuby, Jython and more.


  • Multiple Cloud Services like MongoDB, CouchDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL and more.
  • Control through Command Line as well as Management Console for quick deployment of Apps
  • Customizable load balancing for high availability
  • Quick Scaling/Descaling of resources

Get started with PaaS

Along with virgin instances with multiple features, this App42 PaaS has two main solutions that will make it stand out in the market:

  • BPaaS ( Backend Platform-as-a-Service) and,
  • GPaaS (Gaming Platform-as-a-Service) - soon to launch
  • Private deployment of App42 Backend APIs
  • No latency, thus high performance
  • Particularly useful for client-servicing companies, because they can now use backend service APIs for their client projects alongwith private deployment and full data control on it.



  • Private deployment of AppWarp Multiplayer Gaming Engine
  • Launching soon

For any information on PaaS and BPaaS, visit:

Thanks for your continued support.

We will keep coming up with new features and technologies to fulfill your needs and make you successful on the cloud.

Thanks and Regards,


Siddhartha Chandurkar

CEO and Founder


PS - For a free trial of App42 PaaS and BPaaS,

Login for App42 PaaS